Fallout new vegas ultimate guide
Fallout new vegas ultimate guide

  • Optimize your upgrades! Learn how to modify your weapons, where all the components are located, and compare your armaments using our detailed statistics charts.
  • Ready to carve out an independent New Vegas, or act on behalf of a Faction overlord? Complete strategies, including all major Skill, Perk, and Faction decisions, for every Main Quest, Side Quest, and Challenge!.
  • are you? Learn when and how to use all the new Perks, Traits, and Skills, and how to upgrade every Follower!
  • Fully equipped adventuring! All the Crafting techniques are covered, plus every Campfire, Reloading Bench, Workbench, Caravan Player, Trader, Merchant, Healer, and Dealer is located!.
  • fallout new vegas ultimate guide

  • Don't miss anything! We reveal every collectible, unique item, major ammunition and health cache, and much more!.
  • Super-detailed Mojave Wasteland map poster shows all 200+ Primary Locations and dozens more secondary areas, so you'll never be lost in Sin City!.
  • Fully equipped adventuring! All the Crafting techniques are covered, plus every Campfire, Reloading Bench, Workb.

  • Fallout new vegas ultimate guide